Back to Business Basics


Improve your candidate experience by streamlining communication from application to offer. Clear, timely communication is key to attracting top talent.

As students return to school, it is a great time to get back to business basics. One basic (but critical) building block is Communication.

Specifically, as businesses are experiencing challenges filling open positions, take a step back to examine communication within your hiring process. Your candidate’s experience creates a lasting impression that impacts how well you attract talent.

A candidate’s first impression starts with your online presence. As mentioned in prior posts, is your vision, mission, and core values consistently communicated across your website, job postings, interview process?

Next, is there clear communication of how to apply? Is it simple or complex? How long does it take your organization to communicate receipt of application or to schedule a phone screen/interview?

Also, do you have a communication plan so your candidate understands what to expect and next steps in your process from an interview until a decision is made?

During the interview, do you communicate a day in the life within your organization so the candidate understands the role and expectations?

And lastly, have you identified your average timeline from application to offer?

If the process takes too long, is unclear, or does not reflect your company culture, your candidate may have moved on.

Want to learn additional business basics? Schedule a 30-minute complimentary virtual strategy session here where we will build an action item based on your current need.